Kaitlyn was her usual self at the Docs. She fussed and tried to take the limelight away from me. She is up to 9lbs 13oz and is 20 1/4inches long. Doc says that means she's at the 75th percentile in weight.
Doc inquired if maybe she should try a lactose free diet for her to stop some of that racket she makes at night. Such a young age of a girl to already be on a "diet!". We'll see if Mom and Dad agree or think if we should just keep on with the Mylicon drops and the same tucker that I get. Doctor Beckford also said she's not worried about Kate's eyes not quite tracking together yet. She told Mommy and Daddy that we're just learning to focus and it's only a problem if she still does that at 2 months.
Dr. Beckford must be a smart lady - as she immediately recognized how well I'm doing. As the big brother, I enchanted her -- I quietly gazed at her sweetly as she examined me. See the attached picture of us (and notice how Doc B likes me more). She noticed that I could hold my head up steady at a 45 degree angle. I'm now 11 lbs and 2oz. Dr B thinks my neck fat rolls are "lovely" for this age. I'm now 90th percentile for my weight and I'm 21 inches long.
Turns out I'm more like my Daddy than in just looks. I need a little physical therapy too. When I was crammed inside Mommy's tummy, I must have crained my neck to the right side (hey, Kate took up a lot of space in there!). Now, one side of my neck is stronger than the other and I need a few exercises to help strengthen the other side. No big deal. I have to go see a nice lady a few times and then Mom and Dad can do the exercises with me back at home.
We already miss the night feedings with Nanna and Poppa (or is that my Mom talking?) Since they had to go back to Miami yesterday. Good news is that Grandma is visiting today - so we're getting extra TLC.
Hope everyone enjoyed visiting with us at Thanksgiving. We hope Uncle Tom is feeling better now cuz we sure missed him. It was a great surprise to meet Aunt Roxie and Uncle Ross this week - all the way from Canada. And we're glad Uncle Chris made the drive to meet us. Uncle Patrick was a new face - he seems to like holding us too!
We can't wait to see Aunt Anne-Maree at Christmas. We'll both be ready to smile by then!
Much love -
(As told to his dear Mom)
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